Does a Full Hard Drive Weight the Same as an Empty Hard Drive?

Recently, we had a client ask whether data has a physical weight. This isn’t a bad question — although if you understand the basics of magnetic data storage, there’s an obvious answer. A hard drive filled with terabytes of data...
December 12, 2023

When Should You Clone a Hard Drive?

If you’ve lost data from a hard drive and you need to get it back, the best practice is to clone your drive — but only if the drive is in working condition.  Cloning a hard drive is an intensive...
December 8, 2023

What Is a File System, and How Does It Impact Data Recovery?

A file system is a method used to store and manage the files on a computer. It contains metadata — the file’s name, size, and other key characteristics — and defines rules for storing, deleting, and organizing data.  Different operating...
December 6, 2023

Data Recovery for Pro Tools Sessions: Key Considerations

Avid Pro Tools is an industry-standard tool for music production, sound editing, and mastering. It’s built to store important data — and recreating your Pro Tools sessions can be an arduous, time-consuming process.  Even if you’re able to restore lost...
December 4, 2023

Sony PlayStation Data Recovery: Why Professional Services Are Rarely an Option

While professional data recovery companies can handle virtually anything, the Sony PlayStation presents several significant challenges. Generally, if you’ve lost data from a PlayStation, you’ll need to use Sony’s utilities. Below, we’ll explain why, then provide some general tips for...
December 1, 2023

Why You Don’t Need to Defrag Hard Drives Anymore

In the 1990s, many of us sat for hours in front of a screen with big, colored rectangles that slowly morphed into big, identical rectangles. Something like this:Defragmenting (or defragging) a hard drive was once part of standard computer...
November 29, 2023

Internal Hard Drive Keeps Disconnecting: Troubleshooting Tips

If your internal hard disk drive (HDD) keeps disconnecting, you’ve got a potentially serious problem — and if the drive holds critically important data, we strongly recommend shutting down the affected system before taking any additional steps. In the vast...
November 28, 2023

Why Does It Take Multiple Passes to Sanitize Hard Drive Data?

If you need to sanitize (or, in less technical terms, wipe all data from) a hard drive, you can’t just delete it: You need to overwrite the file on a block level.  And if the file is especially sensitive, the...
November 27, 2023

How Can I Make Sure My Data Is Unrecoverable?

If you’re determined to destroy your data, we’ve got good news: Contrary to popular misconception, it is possible to securely sanitize storage media in a way that prevents even the most advanced data recovery techniques from restoring your files.  To...
November 20, 2023

How Can I Make My Hard Drive Last Longer? 

Hard disk drives (HDDs) are mechanical devices — and unless the laws of physics suddenly change, every hard drive will eventually fail. But while some of the issues that cause drive failures are out of your control, you can take...
November 17, 2023