The Living Heart Foundation

In the days following September 11th, the Living Heart Foundation in New York lost access to critically important data.  

A small portable device had failed suddenly, and because it contained rescue workers’ medical information, time was a crucial factor.  They needed to restore the files as quickly as possible – while taking appropriate measures to protect their employees’ privacy. (operating at that time as ESS Data Recovery) recovered the information within several hours.  Due to the state of emergency and out of respect for the brave efforts of the emergency response professionals in New York City, we provided our services free of charge, and we were able to maintain HIPAA-compliant security while expediting the data recovery process.

We thank the Living Heart Foundation, the New York City Police Department, and the Fire Department of New York City for giving us the opportunity to play a small role in the rescue effort.

Click “View Letter” on the left side of the screen to read correspondence from the Living Heart Foundation.