CryptXXX Ransomware Infection And Decryption Services

Introduced in April of 2016, CryptXXX is a new type of ransomware that targets Windows computers. It has been regularly updated to thwart decryption attempts, and it asks for an unusually high ransom. The program encrypts files, then demands a...
July 6, 2016

TorrentLocker Infection And Decryption Services

If your computer has been infected with TorrentLocker ransomware, offers expert services to eliminate the malware from your computer and restore encrypted files. This page contains detailed information on TorrentLocker and its variants. However, it’s important to note that...
May 31, 2016

CryptoLocker Ransomware Infection And Decryption Services

CryptoLocker is one of the most successful pieces of ransomware ever introduced, and by conservative estimates, it has caused hundreds of millions of dollars in data loss. It installs through an infected email attachment, then holds the victim’s files hostage...
May 16, 2016

CryptoWall Ransomware Infection And Decryption Services

One of the most successful types of ransomware, CryptoWall, is a malicious piece of software that automatically encrypts a victim’s files, rendering them unusable. The victim is then presented with a message from the software’s creators; to restore the encrypted...
May 12, 2016

Locky Ransomware Infection And Decryption Services

Locky is a relatively new ransomware variant that can prevent access to files on your computer, locking them away with advanced encryption. If you have been victimized by this malicious software, can help. As leading security specialists, we can...
May 11, 2016 Offers Local Help for Victims of Ransomware Viruses (formerly ESS Data Recovery, Inc.) is offering specialized services to help victims of ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious software that blocks access to files until computer users pay a specific amount of money. Typically, ransomware encrypts the user’s files,...
April 21, 2016

CryptoWall 4.0: What It Is, How It Causes Data Loss, and What You Can Do

The world of malicious code is getting more and more sophisticated. The best example might be ransomware, the most prominent example of which is CryptoWall 4.0.Ransomware is the catch-all term for programs that infect your computer without your knowledge,...
January 13, 2016

How Windows Format Command Line Behavior Changed

I recently was asked to contribute to a discussion on the IT social community of Spiceworks. It started out as a question about disk formatting utilities, but by the end of the discussion, users were trying to determine what the...
November 12, 2015

The Ashley Madison Leak: What Information Was Released?

The Ashley Madison data leak is unquestionably the most high-profile IT security event of the last year, and members of the website face serious repercussions. Ashley Madison advertises as “the world’s leading married dating service for discreet encounters,” but that...
August 27, 2015 Offers Simple Way to Verify Ashley Madison Leaks, Inc., a world leader in computer forensics services, will provide customers with a simple way to verify whether their personally identifiable information has been made publicly accessible through high-profile security breaches, including the recent leaks from dating website Ashley...
August 27, 2015