Please Don’t Pry Open Your Hard Drive (Unless You Don’t Need the Data)

At, we support consumers’ right to repair their own devices. If you pay $1,000 for a smartphone, you should have the option of repairing a broken screen or a busted USB-C port on your own. Generally speaking, manufacturers shouldn’t...
July 28, 2022

A Look Inside’s Hard Drive Parts Inventory

In order to recover data from a physically damaged hard drive, engineers need to return the drive to a working condition. That’s easier said than done — hard drive components are extremely drive-specific. In some cases, drives with identical model...
February 7, 2022

What Is A Hard Drive Head Crash?

A hard drive crash occurs when the actuator heads come in contact with the platters. Here’s what that means for your data (and what to do next).
January 7, 2022

What Happens During a Data Recovery Media Evaluation?

Most reputable data recovery providers evaluate storage media before providing a quote. In another article, we explained why evaluations are necessary — if you missed it, you can read more here.  But what happens during a data recovery media evaluation?...
January 4, 2022

What Are “Bad Sectors” On a Hard Drive?

Bad sectors occur when a hard drive cannot read certain data. Here’s how bad sectors occur and several tips for avoiding data loss.
December 20, 2021

The Problem With Flat-Rate Hard Drive Data Recovery

Imagine taking your car to a mechanic that charges a flat rate for every service. Whether you’re getting a routine tune-up or a new transmission, you’ll pay a few hundred dollars. Most consumers wouldn’t trust the mechanic — especially with...
December 15, 2021

Data Recovery for Toshiba DT01ACA Series Hard Drives

The Toshiba DT01ACA series is reliable, but hard drive failures can still occur. Here’s a look at common scenarios and data recovery options.
November 26, 2021

Can You Fix a Broken SATA Connector on a Hard Drive?

A hard drive’s Serial ATA (or SATA) connector allows storage media to interface with the computer. It’s essential to hard drive operation — and unfortunately, it’s an extremely fragile component. With a small amount of pressure, computer users can easily...
November 23, 2021

Do-It-Yourself Hard Drive Data Recovery: 4 Factors to Consider

When your hard drive fails — or you suddenly lose access to important files, and you realize that you don’t have a functional backup — you’ll need to either recreate your work or find a way to recover the data....
November 18, 2021

Can Data Recovery Software Fix a Corrupted Hard Drive?

Data recovery software might fix a corrupted hard drive — or cause permanent data loss. Before attempting recovery, understand the risks.
November 16, 2021