The 6 Most Common Places Your Lost Bitcoin Wallet Is Hiding (and How to Recover It)

While Bitcoin began as a very niche, very esoteric cryptocurrency, it has since grown into something much more mainstream in the past decade. With the price of Bitcoin topping 61 thousand dollars in mid-March and hovering around the 55 thousand...
April 2, 2021

10 Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks

Most everyone knows the importance of protecting your devices and your data from hackers and cybercriminals, but this is often easier said than done — especially when the many ways in which those hackers and cybercriminals can attack isn’t always...
January 18, 2021

Best practices to safeguard your data in 2020

No matter what type of device you are using, finding the best methods of safeguarding your data is of the utmost importance. Indeed, given that almost 60 million Americans have been affected by cyber-security-related crimes, such as identity theft, we...
July 23, 2020

What is the Internet of Things and Why You Should be Concerned.

No matter which sector you may be doing business in, the Internet of Things has undoubtedly caused a wide variety of changes in recent years. In particular, the IoT has resulted in an array of changes in terms of maintaining...
July 23, 2020

So What Is SOAP Security?

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today’s business environment. Every year, businesses lose over $3 trillion to cybersecurity breaches, and this figure may rise to $5 trillion annually by 2024 (1). API vulnerabilities are near the top of the cybersecurity...
July 23, 2020

COVID-19: 5 Major Cyber Attacks Across Different Industries In 2020

April 9th, 2020 Responsible for a staggering 95,000 deaths around the globe as of April 9th, the COVID-19 crisis continues to disrupt the global economy in a manner that hasn’t been witnessed since the Second World War. Like other catastrophes,...
April 9, 2020

4 Ways to Secure Your Data During the Pandemic

On April 9th, it was reported that the number of COVID-19 cases had crossed 1,500,000 worldwide. The pandemic has enveloped nearly every country to create an atmosphere of uncertainty, fear, and chaos. Social distancing has become a necessity and most...
March 29, 2020

California Power Outages Causing Sudden Rise In Server Failures

On Oct. 9, 2019, Pacific Gas & Electric began intentionally cutting power to hundreds of thousands of customers in an effort to limit wildfires in Northern California. The move, which affected parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, also put...
October 10, 2019

Quick Tips For Properly Responding To Ransomware Infections

You’ve probably heard about ransomware, but if you’ve never suffered an infection, it probably seems like a negligible threat. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Ransomware attacks are fairly commonplace, with major attacks compromising data at large enterprises, hospitals, government...
October 2, 2019

Does Defragmenting A Solid-State Drive Cause Data Loss?

Defragmenting a solid-state drive (SSD) is a bad idea...under most circumstances. Here's a brief overview of how defragmentation works, why it's largely unnecessary for solid-state drives, and what you can do instead.
September 30, 2019