Should I Use Cloud Storage or an External Drive for Data Backup?

At, we’ve restored files for thousands of businesses, non-profits, and personal computer users — and at the end of every case, we usually get the same question: “How can I make sure that this never happens again?” The simple...
November 23, 2022

4 Things to Know About SSD Write Cycles

If you’re buying a new data storage device, you’ll need to do some research. This is particularly true if you’re buying a solid-state drive (SSD). While SSDs provide better performance than hard risk drives (HDDs), different models have different features...
November 18, 2022

Why People Don’t Back Up Their Data

At, we’ve developed industry-leading technology to recover data from hard drives, flash drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), RAID arrays, and practically every other type of storage device. Over decades in the business, we’ve handled cases for Fortune 100 companies, small...
November 17, 2022

Ransomware Investigation Services

In 2022, researchers recorded over 623 million ransomware attacks worldwide. That number increased significantly from 2021 — and may be much higher, since many businesses choose not to report infections. When a ransomware attack occurs, your organization needs to respond...
October 19, 2022

Throwing Out an Old Hard Drive? Here’s How to Protect Your Data

This week, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) discovered records indicating that Morgan Stanley Wealth Management failed to secure the data of 42 servers, potentially risking the private data of 15 million customers. Morgan Stanley allegedly stored data without ...
September 21, 2022

Do “File Shredder” Programs Really Work?

You’ve got sensitive data that you want to destroy, and you want to be extremely thorough. You want to make sure that no one — not even’s engineering team — can restore the target files. What do you do?...
July 19, 2022

What Is a BIOHD-8 Hard Drive Error?

A BIOHD-8 error code indicates a failing storage device — most commonly, a hard drive, though solid-state drives (SSDs) may also present this issue under certain circumstances. The error occurs on HP laptops and desktops during the boot process. Below,...
June 29, 2022

Before Using Data Recovery Software, Read This

Data recovery software can be effective, but it can also cause permanent data loss. Here's what to know before installing.
June 22, 2022

How to Protect Your Phone from Ransomware

Most ransomware attacks target desktop computers, servers, and high-value storage networks — but in recent years, a growing number of attacks have targeted smartphones and other mobile devices. Below, we’ll look at a few examples of how mobile ransomware works....
April 8, 2022

The 2TB Flash Drive Scam: Why “High-Capacity” Flash Drives Are Fakes

You’re browsing Amazon or eBay, and you see a great deal: A 2-terabyte (TB) USB thumb drive for about $40. Is it a great bargain — or a dangerous scam? If you’ve read the headline of this article, you know...
March 29, 2022