How to Read Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T Data

Modern hard drives use S.M.A.R.T (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) metrics to forecast hardware failures.  In most cases, home computer users don’t need to worry about S.M.A.R.T data — but if your hard drive seems to be operating at slow...
May 17, 2023

Logical Data Recovery Guide: Using Software to Recover Data

At, we discourage the use of data recovery software. Software can exacerbate issues like hard drive head crashes, potentially causing permanent damage (and preventing a successful recovery, even if the drive is treated in a professional data recovery laboratory). ...
May 8, 2023

Hard Drive Seek Error Rate What It Means (And Why It Matters)

Seek error rate is a hard drive performance metric reported through Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) tools.  Hard drives, solid-state drives, and other storage devices use SMART to monitor for issues that may indicate an impending failure. For hard...
May 3, 2023

Don’t Trust Cheap Hard Drives — They May Be Refurbished

Recently, MaxDigitalData began selling a 14 terabyte (TB) hard drive on Amazon and other online platforms for about $120 USD. That’s an incredible deal — but as is often the case with budget storage media, there’s a catch.  As TechRadar...
May 1, 2023

Common Problems with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is data recovery software for the macOS and Windows operating systems. It features an intuitive user interface and a “free” edition that claims to restore up to 2 gigabytes (GB) of data.  Like most popular data...
April 21, 2023

Common Problems with Disk Drill Data Recovery Software

Disk Drill is a (mostly) free data recovery utility for Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. The software claims to be able to recover files from “virtually any storage device,” including internal hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs),...
April 5, 2023

Do Most Hard Drives Fail Before the 3-Year Mark?

Conventional wisdom holds that a hard drive lasts for about 3-5 years — and most manufacturer warranties tend to support that assumption.  But it’s important to remember that despite precise engineering, hard drives are profoundly sensitive devices. Recently, we’ve seen...
March 28, 2023

How to Check Your SSD or HDD Health in Windows 11

The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-Line Utility (WMIC) is a simple tool that allows users to manage their Windows operating system.It runs through the Command Prompt and can access information from Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART), a monitoring system...
February 7, 2023

Should Home Computer Users Invest in a RAID Array? 

Hard drive crashes remain a leading cause of data loss, and while solid-state drives (SSDs) offer better performance and (arguably) better reliability, they’re still a single point of failure.  If an HDD or SSD fails, you lose data — unless...
February 2, 2023

Amazon Continues Selling Fake Flash Drives and SSDs

In March 2022, we posted a detailed breakdown of a 2-terabyte (TB) flash drive available on Amazon for about $40. The drive was a scam, as its actual storage capacity was much lower. While large-capacity flash drives exist, they’re...
January 17, 2023