Locky Creators Tweak Variants To Evade Detection

Locky ransomware first appeared in February 2016 using a simple but ingenious social engineering method. The distributors sent thousands of emails around the world with an infected Microsoft Word document that appeared as gibberish when opened. The message, “Enable macro...
October 4, 2017

EV Ransomware Targets WordPress Sites

A new strain of ransomware targets websites created through WordPress. The malware encrypts a web server’s files making them inaccessible. Experts have named the malicious software “EV” because it appends files with “.ev” after encrypting them. The ransomware is...
September 12, 2017

Datarecovery.com Offers 35% Discount For Hurricane Irma Flood Victims

Hurricane Irma is churning through the Caribbean and continues on a collision course with Florida. While meteorologists predict that the storm will lessen in intensity by the time it makes landfall in the U.S., its damage could still be catastrophic....
September 6, 2017

Hidden Tear Ransomware Still Wreaking Havoc

A Turkish computer programmer had a simple idea—create functional ransomware with backdoors and offer it for free to educate programmers. If any hackers used the malware to encrypt someone’s files, victims could use the backdoors to restore their data. The...
August 30, 2017

Datarecovery.com Offers 35% Discount For Hurricane Harvey Flood Victims

Hurricane Harvey is expected to wreak havoc on Houston and other Texas cities on Aug. 25th. Widespread flooding is possible, and indeed, probable at this point. When any natural disaster hits, Datarecovery.com receives numerous cases from business owners, government administrative...
August 25, 2017

Petya Ransomware Infection And Decryption Services

A Petya ransomware variant has swept through Europe in a fashion reminiscent of the WannaCry attacks of May 12, 2017. Like WannaCry, the Petya variant spreads using Eternal Blue and has affected the following businesses and organizations:Utility companies, banks,...
June 27, 2017

Hidden Tear Ransomware Infection and Decryption Services

Hidden Tear ransomware is an open-source malware program published by its developer for educational purposes. Though the author has since taken the source code offline, hackers around the world have already downloaded and redistributed it. Modified and improved variants of...
June 9, 2017

WannaCrypt Ransomware Infection and Decryption Services

WannaCrypt ransomware (also known as WannaCry and WanaCrpt0r 2.0) is the latest malware to make headlines by infecting over 250,000 computers in at least 150 countries around the world. Prominent victims include FedEx, Britain’s National Health System, Nissan, and telecom...
May 15, 2017

Merry X-Mas Ransomware Infection And Decryption Services

Merry X-Mas ransomware started infecting computers worldwide in early January, 2017. The fact that Russia celebrates Christmas on January 7 has led to speculation that the malware originated there. Regardless of its point of origin, the ransomware continues infecting computers...
February 3, 2017

Ransomware in 2017: What to Expect and What to do About It

Ransomware grew into a billion-dollar industry in 2016, and from all appearances, it’s just getting started. The malware’s demonstrated ability to bring in money with little upfront investment, along with the outsourcing of the technical work through Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), will...
January 20, 2017